Neuroplasticity through Sensorimotor & Somatic Integration
TRE For Artists and Musicians

​Why Use TRE In Artist and Musical Training? TRE helps teach you how to use your body's own reflexes to rebalance and harmonize your nervous system. By listening to your body's natural spontaneous movements in real time, you're able to share a unique and artistic story - your body's - that will help you enhance your performance, improvisation workflow, and creativity.
TRE helps you to eliminate restrictive, unwanted muscular tension that interferes with practicing and playing. In addition, TRE can create greater ease and freedom in your performance, so your artistry feels more effortless so you can keep enjoying and sharing the work you love.
TRE involves interacting with your movement at a subconscious level, which aids technique efficiency in practicing and performing and helps you access your mind-body's "flow-state." This can help develop a true self-expressiveness that's identified as your sound. In addition, TRE helps reduce risk of injury from continuous and repetitive practice and performance, and can even improve sleep.
Why TRE Works for Musicians and Artists: TRE, used for as little as 5-10 minutes a few hours before performing and immediately afterwards, can help release built-up muscular tension. That puts you more at ease during a performance or helps you recover better afterward. TRE is an easy-to-use technique when your energy levels are low, and in some cases can even help balance and restore those energy levels. TRE integrates easily into any training program and is an alternative to things like static stretching
TRE also can help reduce performance anxiety, so you reach peak performance. When done as a group, TRE offers a cutting-edge way for group bonding and collective cohesiveness that can enhance flow states and communications.
What Are Musicians and Artists Experiencing and What Are The Benefits of TRE?
Stress Management by releasing neuromuscular tension below the level of conscious control, TRE provides an additional stress reliever.
Injury Prevention by reducing the soreness that develops from continuous training or back-to-back performances
Playing Enhancement by reducing chronic tension and stress patterns that sometimes interfere with muscle memory
Exercise and Health by providing a unique and personalized way of allowing your body to move, and complements training models like strength and conditioning, Pilates, yoga, and cardiovascular training
Flow State by helping you achieve a “flow” state to maintain focus, decrease distractions, and improve performance skills under pressure.
Performance Recovery by helping reduce playing fatigue and offers an additional recovery option
Sleep by improving sleep quality, so you can be well-rested for the next day’s performance and training
Self Expression by TRE improves sleep quality, so you can be well-rested for the next day’s performance and training
Creativity by TRE safely exploring the “unknown” with your body's guidance, generating movements that inspire and support creativity