Neuroplasticity through Sensorimotor & Somatic Integration
TRE University
​What is TRE? While most of us have been told that shaking and tremoring are signs of symptoms of something wrong, stress, nervousness, anxiety, panic, or PTSD, this natural recovery reflex can also be used as a solution to help calm the nervous system. This automatic self-care technique exists in all mammals and humans and is a intuitive processes that helps the body address fatigue, stress, tension, and trauma in a new way that leaves students feeling more energized and better ready to learn. TRE teaches students a simple technique that helps to bring ease to their nervous system during times of increased stress and worry and ca help decrease muscular tension in the body and brings focus back to the mind in new and exciting ways that can be as needed and throughout times, like college, where studying and performing your best is a must.
Why TRE Works: TRE is a highly convenient self care technique and can be used alone, with groups, in teams settings, or in combination with other types body based practices and can have substantial effects with just 5-10 minutes of use. It is easy to use, requires no thinking, and only minimal physical effort to engage with. The spontaneous movements generated with TRE help release stress and tension and helps to bring calmness to both mind and body following when you need it most. In addition, it helps improve sleep, reduces anxiety, and improves mental clarity and thought processing. TRE can also help students to improve creativity and performance under pressure due to it's ability to help improve self-regulation behavior and stress management.
Contact us directly to find out how we can share TRE with your community!
What Are People Experiencing and What Are The Benefits of TRE?
Clearer Mind States for avoiding burnout, fatigue, and discomfort that allows maintaining of focus and easier learning without distractions
Rebalancing of the Nervous System below level of conscious awareness that allows release of tension by "following" the body natural movements
Supportive Recovery following stressful periods of required focus and study in school that often leave you feeling drained and disconnected; you can recover in ways that lets your body rebalance, reconnect, and sleep better
Building Resilience by down-regulating the nervous system and switching off hypervigilance following stressful event and performances
Strengthening Self-Regulation by developing greater capacity when working with challenging behaviors and unpredictable change outside your control that leads to energy imbalances
Complement Treatments, Interventions, and Exercise such as counseling, cognitive-based therapies, mindfulness, bodywork, rehabilitation programs, and other movement arts like Yoga and Pilates
Improving Relationships by shifting the nervous system towards more safe, secure, and relational states you are able to offer more to your students and coworkers that enhances community
Optimizing Performance that helps reduce fatigue, improve performance under pressure and tight schedules, and increase problem solving skills.
****Not all individuals are suitable for use of TRE. All individuals are will be required to undergo screening prior to determine if appropriate. TRE is not a replacement for therapy or other medical treatments.******