Neuroplasticity through Sensorimotor & Somatic Integration
Fascial Unwinding
Discover the Health Benefits of Connecting With Your Body's Spontaneous Movement Process

Is Fascial Unwinding Right For Me or My Child? Do you or your child experience spontaneous movements like figitting, shaking, or muscle tightening when you are at rest? Are you tired of lifting weights to get strong or stretching to get flexible? Are you interested in working with your body in more intuitive ways that helps you enhance recovery and self-knowledge of oneself? You may love our fascial unwinding programs.
What is Fascial Unwinding: Fascial Unwinding is a general term used to describe the facilitation or allowance of unconscious involuntary movements by an individual. The movements experienced during fascial unwinding are spontaneous, similar to yawning, and feel as though they are occurring from outside a persons experience. These movement experiences can also be facilitated by a therapist passively. Spontaneous movements often can reveal patterns of muscular tension, history of trauma, or other protection strategies and behaviors the body may have had to experience in the past. These movements are often reported to feel "intuitive" or even mystical but also effortless followed by muscular softening and rich new multi-sensory surprises.
How Do We Help Your Body To Start Unwinding? Techniques that we use to help individuals "unwind" and begin interacting with their body's natural spontaneous movement process can be hands-on as well as hands-off techniques. This way, you can choose what works best for you. This process requires sensory input from outside the body to set the body into an unwinding experience. Once this happens, your body through complex feedback loops involving both Fascia and Nervous system are supported by us to keep keep this going.
With our hands on techniques, we will help you to experience these spontaneous movements through helping your body find movements of ease with subtle resistance and input brought into your nervous system. As we listen to your fascia, we respond to your body by directly supporting your unconscious movement patterns so that you can more efficiently work with your body's postural tone and engage more intuitively with unconscious movements directly.
With our hands-off approach, we provide cues and guidance strategies to help you work and respond with your fascia and nervous system in the moment. Through the use of gravity, feedback, and body responses, we will help you create greater support and ease through your movement practice.

What Are The Benefits of Fascial Unwinding? Fascial Unwinding and activating your body's spontaneous movements involve working directly with your Fascial System, Central Nervous System(CNS), and Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) simultaneously. Fascial Unwinding works amazingly on its own, but also as a complementary technique when combined with other approaches such as physical therapy, sports training, and other top-down training strategies. Because the Fascial System, CNS, and ANS are all involved together in complex relationships that help with total body communication, development, and self-regulation, you can expect to see changes throughout the body that include things like:
Reduced Nervous System Stress and Muscular Tension
Better Management of Symptoms
Improved Emotional Regulation
Greater Tissue Subtly & Extensibility
More Supportive Posture
Improved Sleep
Reduction of Pain
Improvement in Posture
Better Sleep
Greater Body "Lightness"
Greater Movement Ease
Enhanced Proprioception/Balance
Enhanced Body Awareness
What Sensations or Movements May I Experience in a Fascial Unwinding Session? Fascial Unwinding is unique to each person and give the uniqueness of each persons body and history, there are many sensory and motor experiences phenomenon that can be experienced. Because Fascial Unwinding is also a live and in-the-moment experience, this process may reveal to or unlock other bodily movements and sensations that are sometimes unknown to the individual. For many, these surprises, or what we call emergent sensations, is one of the hallmarks of this work and which may people come to love about this self-exploratory and healing work. They include but are not limited to:
Gentle Tremoring
Involuntary Muscular Contractions
Rhythmical Movements and Oscillations
Spiraling Movements
Unique Body Shapes
Memory Recall
Heightened Emotions
Self-Mobilizations and Manipulations
Muscular Tension Release
Heaviness & Lightness
Warmth & Cold Changes
Sense of Support or Strength

Our Intention With Your Attention: Even though there are many benefits associated with both fascial unwinding and engaging with your body's spontaneous movements, our intention throughout the entire process is to help support your body's intuitive sense of knowing and help guide you in your own unique process towards a greater ease and wholeness in movement. Helping each individual to further develop their own self practice that guides them to discover and further explore their truest inner sensations without being preoccupied with previous expectations of the mind and/or not yet experienced end results is largely our focus through each treatment.
Fascial Unwinding is a special and unique process that can be safely and easily learned by children and adults for health benefits. Where some of our patients feel they have run out of tools, or where therapy has not gotten them to where they need to go, we often find Fascial Unwinding to offer a different and more personalized whole body healing approach.
We combine Fascial Unwinding with many of our other services including Manual Therapy, Safe and Sound Protocol Traumatic Release Exercise, Physical Therapy, and Neuroplasticity Training. It is a process that continues to unfold and offers those that use it a sensory and motor experience like no other. For many of our patients, it has become a strong tool for them that they continue to use in the way of self-care and routine balancing.
If you are interested in finding out more, please drop us a line. We'd love to chat more with you on how we can help you to bring the health benefits of associated in Fascial Unwinding and working with spontaneous movements into you or your child's life.