Neuroplasticity through Sensorimotor & Somatic Integration
Rest and Restore Protocol (RRP)
A New Listening-Based Therapy to Support Healing, Restoration, and Homeostasis

​What is RRP? The Rest and Restore Protocol is a holistic, five hour, clinical grade biofeedback-based program designed to help individuals manage stress, regulate emotions, and recover more effectively both mentally and physically. RRP is informed by decades of research studying the physiological rhythms of the body including heart rate, respiration, blood pressure, and in the gut, along side deep knowledge of advanced sound technology. It promotes deep relaxation, recovery, balance in the body and mind by targeting the healing qualities of the autonomic nervous system.

How does it work? RRP uses technology that uses acoustic technology that go beyond traditional sound design that integrating the scientific knowledge of biological rhythms with the nervous systems potential to be entrained. Similar to the Safe and Sound protocol (SSP), RRP offers five hours of music that helps signal healing functions of the autonomic nervous system, ultimately leading to better recovery from stress and trauma. This music is dynamic and progressive throughout the musical themes. By incorporating RRP into comprehensive wellness and clinical plans, individuals feel more empowered to tap into their body's natural resilience and unlock greater healing potential.
Who is RRP for? RRP works for ages 18 months to adult. No diagnosis is required, and any illness, disease, or condition that involves imbalance of the nervous system due to overuse, stress, or trauma has potential to benefit. Those who may benefit include:
Individuals with high-stress jobs or burnout (e.g. first responders, health care workers, corporate professionals) looking to reduce stress and improve recovery
People recovering from trauma or burnout, who need to restore emotional balance and resilience
Athletes or performers who want to enhance recovery from intense physical or mental exertion
Anyone looking to improve mental well-being and emotional regulation through biofeedback and heart coherence practices
Specifically, early research demonstrates chronic stress, insomnia, gut related disorders, influential trauma history, , functional disorders, and mental health-related challenges to be supported and improve with use of RRP. RRP works especially well when used in conjunction with other therapeutic techniques to help restore homeostaiss; but it is not a replacement for counseling or treatments for psychological conditions.
Other conditions and diagnoses that RRP may help support: long Covid; chronic stress; chronic pain; adrenal fatigue syndrome; autonomic nervous system disorders; digestion problems; emotional dysregulation (like anger, tantrums, withdrawal); auditory hypersensitivity; auditory processing disorder; sensory processing disorders; motion sickness; emotional regulation difficulties; neurodevelopmental issues; head injury; difficulty with sleep; premature/NICU stays; and medical trauma (like surgeries, chronic medical procedures). It also helps support autism anxiety, panic attacks, ADHD, PTSD, Downs Syndrome, POTS, Misophponia.
What is the music I will listen to?
The filtering is the same for all playlists so they can be mixed and matched in creative ways. If any of the songs appear triggering above, it is completely fine to switch to different playlists, avoid that song, or skip ahead.

Can I Listen To RRP at Home or Have my Child Listen at Home?
Both with the right set up and support. The use of RRP is most successful when listening is done in the context of another supportive person and with the least amount of distractions. Often many people will listen while comfortably sitting, laying down, or swinging/rocking gently back and forth. It is also ok to listen while engaging in other non-cognitively taxing activities that support coregulation like playing pass or rolling a ball back and forth.
With younger children, doing RRP in the presence of a therapist can add a greater level of safety and comfort. If you're a parent who wants to give RRP to your child at home, we can first try RRP out at our studio and determine what will best benefit your child. Together we review the subtle changes that will require monitoring when using to ensure a successful experience when listening at home.
What are some children and adults experiencing with RRP?
RRP helps some individuals access a calm and more relaxed states instantaneously following listening.
​RRP has been reported to help individuals:
Become more accessible to therapy
Enhance autonomic regulation
Improve gut function
Increased feelings of calmness
Better Sleep
Feeling less anxious and depressed
Greater access to interoceptive awareness and emotions

What equipment do I need to do RRP?
We are able to provide equipment onsite when using RRP in our clinic. To do RRP remotely or on your own you will need:
A device to access the Unyte app that will play the RRP music. Suitable devices include: Smartphones (either iPhone or Android); Tablets (either Apple or Android); newer Machbooks that have the M1 Chip; or Chromebooks.
Headphones. The headphones should be over the ear, that is, have the big padded ear cups that completely surround the ears rather than sit on top. We do not recommend noise canceling headphones (or that feature can be turned off and without bass enhancement). Bluetooth or wireless are fine; but earbuds cannot be used for RRP.
Inexpensive headphones that meet these criteria are: OneOdio A71, OneOdio A70, or Audio-Technica ATH-M20x. For children that do not like headphones we recommend Cozyphones.
Some headphones may also require an adaptor for your device if you device does not have a 3.5mm connector.

How often do I need to do RRP?
We can determine the most appropriate level of delivery for you. Some individuals may benefit from RRP for up to 30 minutes per session over a 10-day period. Other individuals with histories of stress or trauma might use as little as a few minutes weekly over several months.
Each hour of RRP is different, allowing a gradual increase in sound modulation over the five hours of total listening. Hours one and two help calm the nervous system and your physiology to tolerate higher levels of filtration in hours three through five.
For individuals or children who have sensitivities to certain music, we offer a Connect RRP that is the same playlist as Core RRP, but without filtering. This allows an individual to first become familiar with the music that will eventually be filtered. Even though Connect SSP is nonfiltered, some people have experienced benefits with listening.
Should I do SSP before, during, or after I start Therapy or Training?
RRP is a great place to begin a therapeutic or training program. By very rapidly shifting physiology, RRP creates a platform for other approaches like therapy, somatic work, or movement training to work better. Occasionally there can be some exceptions to this where SSP may be beneficial when combined with treatment. I would be more than happy to discuss how this may be possible as your provider.
I Had Tubes Put in My Ears, or I Use Hearing Aides. Can I Still Use SSP?
Yes. Individuals with these histories can still use the headphones for listening. Hearing aides may need to be taken out if you feel there are any feedback issues. Cochlear implants can be left powered on with the headphones placed over the implant microphone.
Can I Repeat The Program Once Done For More Health Benefits?
Yes. Some people will find that they will get more benefits when completing the entire program twice. Often, you will continue to get benefits for 6-8 weeks following the first listening experience. It is recommended to wait 8-12 weeks before starting a second delivery of RRP program to allow a complete integration of your listen experience.