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TRE For Teachers and Staff


​What is TRE?  TRE teaches you simple exercises that you can immediately use to evoke your body's own spontaneous movements through a natural neurogenic tremoring process.  These movements your body creates are generated by the nervous system's reflex system and can be used directly to help avoid burnout, support, rebalance, and calm your body when you need it.


While most of us have been told that shaking and tremoring are signs of stress, fear, nervousness, weakness or symptoms of something wrong, anxiety, panic, or PTSD, this natural recovery reflex can also be used as a solution.  This automatic self-care technique exists in all mammals and humans and is a intuitive processes (amongst several others we now know of) that helps the body interact with the unconscious neuromuscular and fascial system associated with unresolved stress, tension, and trauma.



Why TRE Works:   TRE can be used wherever you are and can have substantial effects with just 5-10 minutes.  It is easy to use, requires no thinking, and only minimal physical effort.  The spontaneous movements generated with TRE often help create a releasing of stored energy and not just a calming effect on the body, but also the mind.  In addition, it helps identify and address muscular and fascial tension, enhances recovery and sleep, reduces anxiety, and improves mental clarity and thought processing.  TRE can also help you improve creativity and performance under pressure due to it's accessibility to "flow states" and helps overall with self-regulation and stress management.  


TRE can also be taught in large groups and promotes a cohesiveness and openness between participants and can be a helpful tool for dispute resolution (i.e. personal, corporate, and political communication).  Because it is based on natural physiological responses shared by all human begins, it is a wonderful tool that promotes connection through each individuals own unique practice when together.





What Are People Experiencing and What Are The Benefits of TRE?


  • Clearer Mind States for creativity and maintaining of focus through releasing of subconscious muscular tension that causes distractions and fatigue

  • Rebalancing of the Neuromyofascial System below level of conscious awareness or control that allows ease with its use through "following" the body vs telling it what to do

  • Supportive Recovery following stressful events and challenging situations in the workplace that often leave you feeling drained you can recover in ways that lets your body rebalance and feel more supported

  • Building Resilience by down-regulating the nervous system and switching off hypervigilance

  • Strengthening Self-Regulation by developing greater capacity when working with challenging behaviors and unpredictable change outside your control that leads to stress and energy imbalances

  • Complement Exercise such as counseling, cognitive-based therapies, mindfulness, bodywork, rehabilitation programs, and other movement arts like Yoga and Pilates so you get the most out of them 

  • Improving Relationships by shifting the nervous system towards more safe, secure, and relational states you are able to offer more to your students and coworkers that enhances community

  • Optimizing Performance that helps reduce fatigue, improve performance under pressure and tight schedules, and increase problem solving skills.


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